For us, sustainability is doing the right thing. It means delivering high-quality expert services to our clients, providing meaningful and rewarding work to our employees, pursuing ethics and growth in our business operations and having a positive impact on our industry, society and the environment.
We are a responsible Finnish employer
We invest in the well-being of our employees and the continuous development of competence. Currently, we are increasing our entire personnel’s competence and understanding through training focused on sustainability issues. We continuously develop our services to correspond to the changing requirements in our operating environment.
We help our clients operate in a sustainable manner and report with high quality
We focus on excellent customer service and high quality in our operations. We help our clients make their business operations more sustainable and ensure high-quality, reliable and transparent reporting. We are a dependable partner to our clients, both as an advisor and as a provider of assurance services for sustainability reporting.
We help build transparency and trust in society
As an audit firm, we play an important role in society. For example, the functioning of equity and debt financing markets and the accuracy of taxation rely heavily on reliable and accurate financial statements figures. We bear responsibility with regard to the environment and society - we are committed to the UN Global Compact initiative, which aims to promote responsible and sustainable business throughout the world.
We are committed to international climate goals
Our entire network of BDO member companies wants to lead by example when it comes to sustainability. As a member of the Net-Zero Financial Services Providers Alliance (NZFSPA), we are committed to the following targets that are aligned with the Paris Agreement: net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at the latest, and first halving greenhouse gas emissions within the next 5–10 years. BDO Finland is also committed to these goals, and we will set our short-term targets in 2024.
People helping people
People helping people achieve their dreams is one of our core values, and it guides our actions also regarding the society around us. We engage in continuous co-operation with partners such as the Ronald McDonald House Charities and Women's Bank. We support these causes through donations and community engagement. Additionally, we support the activities of local sports clubs.
As an audit firm, our operations are based on responsible business conduct, maintaining high quality and independence in accordance with industry standards, and the shared practices and operating procedures of our international network.
The high quality of our work in both auditing and advisory services is based on the strong expertise and experience of our experts. A designated expert responsible for each client actively participates in assignments and supervises the work of their team.
Each year, we publish a transparency report that describes how we ensure the independence of our employees and services, the high quality of our expert work and excellent customer service.
Our transparency report describes our operations in accordance with Article 13 of the EU’s Audit Regulation.